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13. 2. 2013


Hodiny a hodiny a hodiny som vyberala tú pravú. Pokrčím text piesne do guľôčky a odhodím ho do rohu. To čo sa teraz chystám urobiť budem určite ľutovať. Nikto mi nepovedal, že vstup bude povolený aj novinárom. Ja toho Billa zabijem. Ale dala som sa na to nahovoriť, nemôžem cúvnuť. Som tu.
Oblečená v hodvábnych ružových šatách s nahým chrbtom sedím na stoličke na pódiu za zatiahnutou oponou. Vystretá ako pravítko. V ruke mikrofón. V hrudi divoko bijúce srdce. V nohách triaška, ešteže sedím. Chrbtom k publiku, to je moja hranica. Maximum, po ktoré som bola ochotná zájsť.
Teraz mi tá hranica pripadá ako najväčšia trúfalosť na svete. Mala som všetkých päť pokope, keď som s tým súhlasila? Stavím sa, že ak by ma prezrel lekár, žasol by, že som pri takom krvnom tlaku ešte neupadla do klinickej smrti.
Do uší sa mi dostanú úvodné tóny, opona sa roztiahne a moje sólo sa blíži. Nedovolím si pohnúť jedinou brvou, som ako ochromená. Neviem čo sa mi deje za chrbtom, čumím do holej steny a na zátylku mám mrazivú husiu kožu. Prichádza čas na spev. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Sklopím oči a vžijem sa do svojej roly.
„You're like a child within
The one who just won't give in
Oh how you love to play.
I wanna understand
I wanna do all I can
I wanna make you stay.“
Začujem slabé ujúkanie a pár rúk zatlieska. Posmelí ma to.
„Where will I find you?
Next time I lose you
I'm just a fool for your touch.
Cross my heart
I wanna love you
How can I love you
If you keep running away?“
Diváci sú nevyspytateľní. Teraz pre zmenu nastáva absolútne ticho, veľmi znervózňujúce ticho kedy nerozoznáte či by vám najradšej zapchali pusu starým vechťom alebo chcú jednoducho zachytiť každý váš tón. Hrôza.
„Cross my heart
It's getting stronger
I can't wait much longer
You gotta stop running away.“
Na sekundu spanikárim, pretože si neviem spomenúť na ďalšiu strofu, ale ako náhle otvorím ústa, ide to samo. Trénovala som to hádam tisíc krát.
„Now haven't you had your fun
Is anything left undone?
Why can't we meet half way?“
Nutne sa potrebujem poškriabať na nose a nemôžem.
„When will you find out?
Now that the truth's out
This is more than a careless romance.“
Prehltnem bez dychu. »Je to viac ako bezduchá láska.« Tie slová mám z celej piesne najradšej, preto im venujem zvláštnu dávku nehy.
„Cross my heart
I wanna love you
How can I love
If you keep running away?
Cross my heart
It's getting stronger
I can't wait much longer
You gotta stop running away.“
Tak strašne túžim vidieť Michaelovu tvár! Odpadnem od zvedavosti! Pódium je v tme, možno by som sa neprepadla od hanby. Skúsim to?
„True love is never quite enough.
It's so unsure.“
Nasleduje posledná pasáž a bude koniec. Skončím a nikdy neuvidím na vlastné oči ako sa tváril, keď som preňho spievala.
„Is it what you're dreaming of?“ Odspievam, prekonám svoj strach a pomaličky si na stoličke presadnem tvárou k obecenstvu.
Je to... je to fascinujúci pocit.
Stovkám hláv s tvárami ponorenými v tme sa na pár okamihov zastavil svet a stredobodom pozornosti som len a len ja. Hneď začerstva si spomeniem na to čo mi raz Michael povedal. »Pri vystúpení sa nesmiem zamerať na konkrétneho človeka, rozptyľuje to.« Ja to však nedodržím, mňa rozptyľuje už samotné pomyslenie na jeho prítomnosť. A koniec koncov, je ťažké tú zásadu dodržať, keď je človek, pre ktorého spievate, ako jediný v dave vysvietený bodovým svetlom.
Vymeníme si pohľady.
Šokovaný, rozrušený a v rozpakoch je slabé slovo na opis. Dokonca si zložil slnečné okuliare, aby si overil či vidí dobre. Nadvihnem gurážne jedno obočie.
„Darling, it's time you let me in
Maybe tonight...
We can start again...“
Posledný tón ťahám čo najdlhšie až kým nezanikne v búrlivom potlesku. Celá sála je na nohách, aj ľudia v lóžach a na balkónoch. Nečakala som to, do poslednej chvíle som si nebola istá či môj hlas znie rovnako v ich ušiach ako v mojich. Neohrabane vstanem a zľahka sa ukloním. Líca mi horia od námahy a trémy, nohy v lodičkách sa mi pletú, no s obrovskou úľavou, že už to mám za sebou, vytasím širokánsky úsmev. Spotené pramene vlasov si prehodím dozadu, chcem znova nadviazať očné spojenie s Michaelom a popravde neviem čo mám robiť.
A vtedy sa to stane.
Reflexívne si k pravému boku pritlačím dlaň. Je to stotina sekundy. Niečo mi ostro prepichlo kožu, cez látku šiat presakuje teplá krv. Valí sa mi pomedzi prsty a steká po spodničke. Bolesťou sa mi zahmlieva zrak. Len čo sa ozvú prvé zhrozené výkriky, stačím to pochopiť.
Do tela sa mi zabodla guľka.  
Sklátim sa k zemi a stiahnem so sebou stoličku, ktorá sa prevráti. Rozpúta sa príšerná hystéria. Toho už ale svedkom nie som.


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TarynnAtodo,9. 12. 2023 19:19

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Metamorphose Your Viability: The Four Agreements Annual as Your Priestly Lodestar

Robertfiepe,9. 12. 2023 13:56

In a fast-paced everybody where life's demands again carry off precedency, the galavant of inner and special crop can sense like a stiff dream. In what way, the innate wish for to evolve, to delve deeper into our true selves, and to fasten with our higher aim remains a central part of our weak experience. If you've been searching for Four agreements a profound catalyst to ignite your search after instead of self-discovery and modification, look no moreover than the "Aligning with Your Higher Self" journal.

Unveiling the Path to Transformation

At its callousness, the "Aligning with Your Higher Self" logbook encapsulates the astuteness derived from Don Miguel Ruiz's groundbreaking book, "The Four Agreements." These four guiding principles – Be Proper with Your Dispatch, Don't Stand Anything In the flesh, Don't Form Assumptions, and Eternally Do Your Best – sell profound insights into living an undisputed, purposeful soul in fitness with your higher self.

The Chronicle: Your Handbook on the Way

What makes this album an imperative device for your journey? Take in's delve deeper:

1. Be Impeccable with Your Word
Affirmation: "Today, I speak my truth with neck and integrity."
Challenge: "Can I tell today with unwavering openness and kindness?"

2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Affirmation: "I unloose the weigh down of others' judgments."
Question: "How can I unfasten from external opinions and espy inner peace?"

3. Don't Make Assumptions
Affirmation: "I seek comprehensibility middle of debatable and honest communication."
Problem: "Am I eager to àñê questions and illuminate misunderstandings today?"

4. Always Do Your Best
Affirmation: "Today, I give my most beneficent application to every task."
Challenge: "Can I intern to goodness and wholeheartedly spend in all I do?"
A Glimpse into Your Modification

The "Aligning with Your Higher Self" journal is more than a mere notebook; it's your daily manual on a journey of self-discovery. It nurtures mindfulness, cultivates fervid suppleness, and deepens your reference with your trustworthy self.

Devise each morning, opening the pages of your record to light upon a creative affirmation and call into doubt aligned with a particular of the Four Agreements. As you clip the affirmation, you fix a effective intent for your day. The accompanying summon becomes a special invitation to incarnate the concordat in your thoughts, words, fortnightly and actions.

With each going in, you stay the principles of the Four Agreements, transforming them from concepts into daily practices. Over quickly, this daily guides you toward mysterious intimate advancement and non-material awakening.

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TarynnAtodo,9. 12. 2023 13:55

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Gabrielroods,9. 12. 2023 11:23

In recent years, the landscape of digital entertainment and online gaming has expanded, with 'nha cai' (betting houses or bookmakers) becoming a significant part. Among these, 'nha cai RG' has emerged as a notable player. It's essential to understand what these entities are and how they operate in the modern digital world.

A 'nha cai' essentially refers to an organization or an online platform that offers betting services. These can range from sports betting to other forms of wagering. The growth of internet connectivity and mobile technology has made these services more accessible than ever before.

Among the myriad of options, 'nha cai RG' has been mentioned frequently. It appears to be one of the numerous online betting platforms. The 'RG' could be an abbreviation or a part of the brand's name. As with any online betting platform, it's crucial for users to understand the terms, conditions, and the legalities involved in their country or region.

The phrase 'RG nha cai' could be interpreted as emphasizing the specific brand 'RG' within the broader category of bookmakers. This kind of focus suggests a discussion or analysis specific to that brand, possibly about its services, user experience, or its standing in the market.

Finally, 'Nha cai Uy tin' is a term that people often look for. 'Uy tin' translates to 'reputable' or 'trustworthy.' In the context of online betting, it's a crucial aspect. Users typically seek platforms that are reliable, have transparent operations, and offer fair play. Trustworthiness also encompasses aspects like customer service, the security of transactions, and the protection of user data.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of 'nha cai,' such as 'nha cai RG,' and the importance of 'Uy tin' is vital for anyone interested in or participating in online betting. It's a world that offers entertainment and opportunities but also requires a high level of awareness and responsibility.

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Billyhat,9. 12. 2023 7:21

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Silkroad Online 2024 SunWorld Play To Earn Money

SilkroadOnlineSunWorld,7. 12. 2023 18:05

Title: "Embark on a Timeless Journey: Silkroad SunWorld 2024"

Are you ready to traverse the ancient Silk Road and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and mystique? Look no further than <Silkroad>SunWorld 2024](, a captivating MMORPG that promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Set to launch its beta on January 5, 2024, followed by the grand opening on January 12, this game invites players to a realm where the past meets the present in a perfect fusion.

**A Glimpse into the Past: Cap 90 and Old Menus**

Silkroad SunWorld takes a unique approach by setting its cap at 90, allowing players to explore the wonders of the ancient world without the overwhelming complexities of higher-level caps. Nostalgia takes center stage with the inclusion of <old>menus](, providing a comforting throwback to the roots of classic MMORPGs.

**Dynamic Gameplay: Job and Activities Based**

The heart of Silkroad SunWorld lies in its job and activities-based gameplay. Engage in exhilarating job grinding through trade routes, building your empire as you navigate through the diverse landscapes of the Silk Road. With low rates and an open market accessible through a <web>based interface](, players can strategically trade and barter their way to success.

**Innovative Features: Play to Earn and Enhanced GUI**

Silkroad SunWorld brings innovation to the forefront with its Play to Earn system. As you embark on your journey, every action contributes to your virtual prosperity, allowing you to earn in-game currency and items. The <enhanced>graphical user interface (GUI)]( ensures a seamless and visually stunning experience, immersing players in the rich tapestry of Silkroad SunWorld.

**Community Engagement: Social Events and Giveaways**

Joining Silkroad SunWorld isn't just about the game; it's about being part of a thriving community. The developers understand the importance of player interaction and regularly host <social>events]( Connect with fellow adventurers on Facebook, YouTube, and Discord, where giveaways and exciting challenges await.

**Countdown to Adventure: Beta and Grand Opening Dates**

Mark your calendars for January 5, 2024, as the <beta>version of Silkroad SunWorld]( launches, offering players a sneak peek into the wonders that await. The grand opening follows on January 12, promising a fully immersive experience for all.

**Conclusion: Your Epic Journey Awaits**

Silkroad SunWorld 2024 invites you to embark on an epic journey through time, where ancient civilizations and modern gaming converge. With its unique features, nostalgic elements, and commitment to community engagement, this MMORPG promises to be a standout experience in the gaming landscape. <Download>the game](, gear up for adventure, and let the Silk Road unfold before you like never before. The dawn of a new era awaits - are you ready to make your mark?

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TarynnAtodo,7. 12. 2023 11:42

You said that perfectly!

Transform Your Viability: The Four Agreements Annual as Your Mental Guide

RobertkaR,7. 12. 2023 11:18

In a fast-paced world where time's demands time again take prerogative, the journey of inner and special evolution can sense like a stiff dream. Though, the innate request to evolve, to delve deeper into our true selves, and to connect with our higher purpose remains a fundamental instances partly of our individual experience. If you've been searching for Four agreements a mystifying catalyst to ignite your exploration for self-discovery and modification, look no further than the "Aligning with Your Higher Self" journal.

Unveiling the Course to Change

At its heart, the "Aligning with Your Higher Self" almanac encapsulates the scholarship derived from Don Miguel Ruiz's groundbreaking reserve, "The Four Agreements." These four guiding principles – Be Impeccable with Your Word, Don't Stand Anything Myself, Don't Form Assumptions, and Always Do Your Best – offer incomprehensible insights into living an undisputed, sure duration in unity with your higher self.

The Quarterly: Your Comrade on the Way

What makes this record book an imperative tool because of your journey? Take in's delve deeper:

1. Be Impeccable with Your Word
Affirmation: "Today, I speak my truth with be wild about and integrity."
Call into doubt: "Can I communicate today with unwavering openness and kindness?"

2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Affirmation: "I release the weigh down of others' judgments."
Invite: "How can I detach from perceptible opinions and find inner peace?"

3. Don't Make Assumptions
Affirmation: "I aim lucidity through debatable and honest communication."
To question: "Am I avid to ask questions and illuminate misunderstandings today?"

4. Always Do Your Best
Affirmation: "Today, I give my best effort to every task."
Doubt: "Can I assign to high quality and wholeheartedly invest in all I do?"
A Glimpse into Your Permutation

The "Aligning with Your Higher Self" journal is more than a mere notebook; it's your daily handbook on a trip of self-discovery. It nurtures mindfulness, cultivates fervid suppleness, and deepens your connection with your reliable self.

Devise each morning, presentation the pages of your album to call up a creative affirmation and call into doubt aligned with a particular of the Four Agreements. As you enfold the affirmation, you set a potent ambition proper for your day. The accompanying object to becomes a personal attraction to exemplify the treaty in your thoughts, words, journal and actions.

With each going in, you stay the principles of the Four Agreements, transforming them from concepts into daily practices. From time, this daily guides you toward tricky intimate advancement and holy awakening.


Henryinige,5. 12. 2023 10:54


nhà cái

Gabrielroods,5. 12. 2023 6:11

In recent years, the landscape of digital entertainment and online gaming has expanded, with 'nhà cái' (betting houses or bookmakers) becoming a significant part. Among these, 'nhà cái RG' has emerged as a notable player. It's essential to understand what these entities are and how they operate in the modern digital world.

A 'nhà cái' essentially refers to an organization or an online platform that offers betting services. These can range from sports betting to other forms of wagering. The growth of internet connectivity and mobile technology has made these services more accessible than ever before.

Among the myriad of options, 'nhà cái RG' has been mentioned frequently. It appears to be one of the numerous online betting platforms. The 'RG' could be an abbreviation or a part of the brand's name. As with any online betting platform, it's crucial for users to understand the terms, conditions, and the legalities involved in their country or region.

The phrase 'RG nhà cái' could be interpreted as emphasizing the specific brand 'RG' within the broader category of bookmakers. This kind of focus suggests a discussion or analysis specific to that brand, possibly about its services, user experience, or its standing in the market.

Finally, 'Nhà cái Uy tín' is a term that people often look for. 'Uy tín' translates to 'reputable' or 'trustworthy.' In the context of online betting, it's a crucial aspect. Users typically seek platforms that are reliable, have transparent operations, and offer fair play. Trustworthiness also encompasses aspects like customer service, the security of transactions, and the protection of user data.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of 'nhà cái,' such as 'nhà cái RG,' and the importance of 'Uy tín' is vital for anyone interested in or participating in online betting. It's a world that offers entertainment and opportunities but also requires a high level of awareness and responsibility.

don't think anything

JeffreyStoky,5. 12. 2023 6:05

Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time

interesting news

JeffreyStoky,4. 12. 2023 14:43

Cool, I've been looking for this one for a long time

Ako často snívate? Čo potom robíš?

AlinaSab,4. 12. 2023 9:57

Ahoj priatelia!
Ako často snívate? Čo potom robíš? Len zabudnete alebo sa pokúsite pochopiť ich význam a vplyv na váš život!
Spánok je dôležitým aspektom pravej hemisféry ľudského mozgu, prenos informácií z podvedomia, dáva dôležité signály a niekedy dokonca predpovedá budúce udalosti!
Mnohým sa môže zdať, že interpretácia snov je veľmi ťažká, ale nie je to tak, ak k nej pristupujete správne a študujete všetko podľa kníh snov.

kniha snov pre každú príležitosť, nič nadbytočné, iba dešifrovanie snov, flexibilné vyhľadávanie a maximálny úžitok pre váš život a úsilie!
Prajeme Vám veľa šťastia a ospravedlňujeme sa, ak sa vám správa dostala náhodou!

Cool + for the post

JeffreyStoky,4. 12. 2023 8:28

don't think anything